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About Sears Holdings India

Established in December 2009 and headquartered in Pune, Sears Holdings India or Sears India is one of the fastest growing technology development centers among IT companies in India. In 2019, Sears Holdings Corporation (SHC) was acquired by Transformco, which continues to run full-line and specialty retail stores across US. Teams across Pune and Hyderabad use best-in-class technology – from Cloud Services, Machine Learning, E-commerce, Mobile Applications, and Predictive Analytics to Data Warehousing & Data Mining, Business Intelligence, Full Stack Development, Mainframe, and ERP – to provide a simple and efficient retail experience to the members.

About Transformco

Transformco is a leading integrated retailer focused on seamlessly connecting the digital and physical shopping experiences to serve its members – wherever, whenever and however they want to shop. Transformco is home to Shop Your Way®, a social shopping platform offering members rewards for shopping at Sears, Kmart and other retail partners. Transformco operates through its subsidiaries with full-line and specialty retail stores across the United States.

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